Leo Monosson

Leo Monosson (* 7 December 1897 in Moscow, Russia; † 1967 in Jamaica) was a popular schlager singer of the Weimar era. Living in Germany after 1923, he gained success as a singer for the Paul Godwin and Marek Weber Orchestras. He also appeared in several early 1930's German movies with some success, and lent his voice to actors. As singer, he was also known by the names Leo Moll and Leo Frank. He made over 1,400 recordings. In 1932, Monosson married the photographer Stephanie Arnsdorff. He also had two children from a previous marriage. Because of his Jewish origin, Monosson was prohibited from performing after Hitler's takeover in 1933. He emigrated to France and escaped the German invasion in 1941 through Spain to the United States. In 1952, he applied for compensation for his forced emigration at the Berliner Landesamt für Bürger- und Ordnungsangelegenheiten. In this application, he recounts details of his life and cites the reason for his lack of success in New York: "After 1933, I never managed to earn my living by singing. My artistic skills were developed by German culture and appeared elsewhere alien and unpopular." Not much else is known about his life after 1933. Filmography: 1930 Die Drei von der Tankstelle (actor, singer) Ihre Majestät die Liebe (actor, singer) Le chemin du paradis (actor, singer) Zwei Welten (actor) Der Greifer (actor) Der Tiger (actor) 1930/1931 Das Lied vom Leben (singer) 1931 Der Ball (actor, singer) Eine Nacht im Grandhotel (actor) Um eine Nasenlänge (singer) 1931/1932 Unter falscher Flagge (singer) Zwei in einem Auto (singer) 1932 Die Tänzerin von Sanssouci (actor) Ich bei Tag und Du bei Nacht (actor, singer) Read more on Last.fm. User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.