Cuncordu De Orosei

NOTE: This group is sometimes taken together with Tenore De Orosei under the joint name Cuncordu e Tenore De Orosei. It's probably best not to use the latter monicker, since every recording is clearly either the one or the other. The Sardinian singing, not to doubt it, establishes, due to its liveliness, one of the most popular polyphonic expressions of the Mediterranean Sea. U Cuncordu e Tenore, stemming from brotherhoods of Santa Croce, del Rosario and from Sas Animas de Orosei (which hold among others a unique tradition of the directory of the Holy Week), excels at both sacred and profane directories and is recognized as one of the most representative groups of this Sardinian vocal art. Omnipresent, the singing populates the liturgy as much as it gives rhythm to the peasant holidays, in the borders of the layman and the sacred. We evoke love, death, suffering of the people, beauty of women, enjoyment during good harvests or birth of child. The voices of five men of the group, with rough accents, seem to extract intestines of the earth... This land of SARDINIA in the oral heritage of a universally inestimable value. The secular singing "a tenore" expresses himself by a tense throaty voice which gives a stamp vibrating in both parts of harmony: counterpoint and singing. This technic exists nowhere else in the whole world except in Mongolia! By carrying their singings through the other parts of the country, the group attempts to protect and to restore this musical wealth. The emotion, in the listening of these polyphonies, is simple and strong as these men who know so well how to make it share to their public, touched the hollow of the soul. Some references ... Festival de Musique sacrée de Paris, Festival de la Chaise Dieu, L’Été musical Loire en Rhône-Alpes, Festival Voix de Fêtes de Rouen, L’Été Muical de St Etienne, Les Rencontres polyphoniques de Calvi, La Traversée de Tatihou, Festival Musique de Nuit à Bordeaux... L’Institut du Monde Arabe, Le Théâtre de St Quentin en Yvelines, l’Hippodrome de Douai, La collégiale de St Bonnet le Chateau, Festival en Beaujolais, Musique en Vacances à La Ciotat, Festival des Hautes Terres à St Flour, Fundao au Portugal, Linz en Autriche, Voix Sacrées du Monde à Lausanne, Fest der Kontinente, KonzertHaus à Berlin... Press "Six singers who interpret with magnificence religious and profane polyphonies and offer an accurate image of the surprising musical pool of Sardinia in particular this region of OROSEI, who has supplies so many beautiful voices in the polyphonic tradition." Gianni PIRANI. LA REPUBLICA "Songs profane and sacred in four voices said "A Tenore" for a rare repertory drawn from the tradition of the region of Orosei. Of the traditional pure, based on "the choir" - Translation of Cuncordu. A pathetism which bewitched the public of a really exceptional evening." Jacques Paoli. Festival Septembre à Tavagna "The "Meetings of Polyphonies of CALVI" have this year still, allowed a large public to appreciate the most representative groups of their region of origin in particular U CUNCORDU E TENORE OF OROSEI, stemming from the Brotherhood of Santa Croce of Orosei (village of the Centre is from Sardinia). In colleagues' clothes, these men with pure voices make share the love of their culture and their land. Deeply moving tones." Corse Matin "The interpretation of the CUNCORDU E TENORE OF OROSEI was surprising : it is not made on the same style, a voice seems to remain fixed on the same tone, whereas the other one keeps a bigger freedom of expression. The accompanying, which evokes a rocky bumblebee extracts of the stomach of the earth. To the program of their performance, very noticed, there were also specific songs, which mark the Festivities of Easter." Rosine ALBERTINI. Corse Matin "Who was not amazed to hear a song to resound between stones of a cathedral, a simple church or a small chapel? This meeting with the magnificent voices in the rough strangeness of the CUNCORDU E TENORE OF OROSEI conquered a public lover of the voices and the polyphony." Hélène SERRANO. NORD OUEST "The group CUNCORDU E TENORE OF OROSEI attempts to protect and to restore an oral patrimony of a universally inestimable value." Bachisio BANDINU. L'UNIONE SARDA "In voices which get involved, mutter and answer as a lament which rises of the land for the ancient time, according to the tradition of the Sardinian polyphonies in the borders of the heathen and the sacred." Corriere "The Sardinian polyphonies of the CUNCORDU E TENORE OF OROSEI : a big moment of emotion in the listening of magnificent voices..." Le Dauphiné Libéré THE SHOW CAN BE SACRED, ENTIRELY SECULAR, OR BOTH. SACRED REPERTORY The repertory is drawn from the religious tradition passed on by the Brotherhoods (notably the Brotherhoods of Santa Croce, Il Rosario and las Animas from which the group arises). CUNCORDU E TENORE OF OROSEI proposes, among others, SONGS OF THE HOLY WEEK, that is the period of the major density of the directory of the Brotherhood of Santa Croce. SECULAR REPERTORY Tackled issues are universal : Love, death, beauty of the women, suffering of the people, pain caused by the loss of a friend, enjoyment during good harvests, the birth of a child, the happiness to put him to sleep... Read more on User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.