Sau was one of the most successful pop bands in Catalonia in the 1990's. It was formed by lead singer Carles Sabater and lead guitar Pep Sala. They were one of the leading bands of the "Rock Català" movement (together with Sopa de Cabra, Els Pets and Sangtrait). The band was born in 1986 and lasted until 13th February of 1999 when Carles (the singer) died after a concert in Vilafranca del Penedès. However, Carles is still loved by his fans, and he hasn't been forgotten. Discography: * No puc deixar de fumar (1987) * Per la porta de servei (1989) * Quina nit (1990) * El més gran dels pecadors (1991) * Concert de mitjanit (1992, live) * Els singles (1992) * Junts de nou per primer cop (1994) * Cançons perdudes, rareses, remescles (1995, compilation album) * Set (1996) * Bàsic (1997, directo) * Amb la lluna a l'esquena (1998) * Un grapat de cançons per si mai et fan falta (2003, a collection of three CDs containing a selection of Sala's 51 favourite songs) Read more on User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.