Jennifer Howland

Artist Name: Jennifer Howland Birth Name: Jennifer Brooke Howland Birth Place and Date: Chicago, Illinois on December 25th Official Bio Raised by Christian parents in Louisville, Kentucky, Jennifer Howland has been around gospel music for her whole life. She can remember singing along with her father as he would lead the church choir in praise and worship. Jen began singing at the age of seven and quickly realized that music would always be a part of her life. Through her teenage years she formed several small singing groups and began writing songs. She was inspired by artists like Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey and learned to imitate their intricate singing styles. When Jennifer became a young adult, she moved to Southern California. She became an active member of a local church and a key part of their worship team. In early 2007, she was asked to sing vocals with the pioneering gospel reggae group Christafari. A few months later she began touring heavily with the band and has since become a key member and an essential part of their stage show. Over the last few years, Jennifer has toured relentlessly with Christafari, both as a supporting and lead vocalist visiting more than 20 countries worldwide! In 2008, Jennifer collaborated with Solomon Jabby in her debut single, "Redeeming Son", which was featured on "Reggae Redemption Songs II", by Christafari and Friends (Lion of Zion Entertainment). Jennifer is also featured on another of the album's singles, "Teachings of His Majesty", with Christafari. Her mentors Mark Mohr and Avion Blackman of Christafari, have encouraged and nurtured her creativity throughout the years and watched Jen blossom into an incredible artist and great friend. In between tours with Christafari, Jennifer is currently working on her highly anticipated solo debut. She has described the upcoming album as "Dauntless and spunky--just like me!" She is working with several of gospel reggae's finest producers and players of instrument to create this project. On this album, Howland is drawing from her wide array of influences from Beyonce to Marley. It is the best of the old school with the new. It's roots meets lovers rock with an urban flare that is sure to be appreciated by all! Exclusive Interview with GR: Tell us about yourself, where were you born and grow up, what your family is like, etc... Artist: I was born in Chicago, Illinois, and my family moved to Louisville, Kentucky when I was two years old. I grew up with three older brothers and one younger sister. My family was a pretty average family. We went to church on Sundays and had birthday parties and sleepovers. My father was definitely the spiritual leader in the home and made sure that his children had a solid foundation in Jesus Christ. GR: How did you begin doing music? Artist: I can remember watching Whitney Houston on the television when I was a little girl. She was so beautiful and the sounds that came out of her mouth...I was amazed. I knew in my little heart that one day I would sing like her. I started singing in school and church throughout the years and was able to develop my voice by listening and mimicking the singing voices of those I admired. GR: What is the most valuable lesson that you learned from your Mom or Dad growing up that you still apply today? Artist: My dad never sheltered me from the truth just because of my age. When I was a child he would say, "Be careful out there Jennifer, because sometimes .... You're the prize". As I got older, this statement opened up my eyes to understand that not only objects can be desired; used and discarded...people can be too. Even on a deeper spiritual level this is true. It is so easy to be distracted with obtaining our dreams, our status and our "lives"; we forget that it is our souls that are the ULTIMATE prize. GR: What has been the greatest mistake that you have made in ministry and learned from? How have you used this experience to change the way you approach ministry? Artist: My greatest mistake has been neglecting my quiet time with the Lord. As a minister, we must be filled and refilled with the Holy Spirit continually, in order to be ready to minister when called upon. GR: What's your favorite verse in the Bible and why? Artist: One of my favorite verses is Matthew 6:26. It says; "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?" The Lord has ministered to me through this verse time and time again. GR: What Bible character do you most identify yourself with? Artist: I like this question, because I was thinking of someone like Esther or Ruth, but the Lord reminded me of a woman named Rahab. She was a woman who I would not be proud to be compared to...until that day came where she had to make a choice. Even in the midst of her continual sin, she believed the one true God and when it was her time, she obeyed. She recognized wisdom and truth when she saw it. She loved her family and sacrificed everything to ensure they would be safe. She had learned how to survive but welcomed the rescue when it came. I believe her life changed when she decided to trust God. GR: What is your philosophy of stage ministry? Is there any one message that you always want to leave with your audience? Artist: I think the key to effective stage ministry is being completely honest in your worship to God. If you are a preacher, dancer, singer or whatever God has called you to be on that stage, you are a worshipper first. I think the more an audience sees the "real" emotion that is brought about by worshipping God, the more they can identify themselves and who they are in Christ. GR: What are the three things you enjoy most about touring? And least? Artist: The most are 1. Seeing beautiful places 2. My alone time with God is so sweet during a tour. 3. Playing with other awesome artists all around the world. The least are 1. We get very little sleep sometimes on the road. 2. Leaving behind great friends when it's time to return home. 3. Finding work in between tours is sometimes very difficult. GR: What is the best audience that you have ever played in front of? Artist: The audiences in the Netherlands and Brazil are some of the best in the world! GR: What country would you tour (even if you didn't get paid to perfom)? Artist: I have been so blessed to have toured many countries with Christafari. This may sound funny but I would love to tour the USA. GR: Do you prefer being in the studio or on the road?? Artist: On the road for certain. I have growth spurts during each tour, and come back home stronger and better spiritually equipped. GR: Why do you do music? What is your primary goal? Artist: I sing because God placed a song in my heart. My goal is to communicate what God would have me to say to his people. Bottom line is that I do this, because this is what the Lord has called me to do. Ministry "To further the faith of God's elect and their knowledge of the truth through music that speaks strength, encouragement and comfort." - Jennifer Howland Read more on User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.