Daniel Waples

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Introduction I like to play hang and eat salad Bragging rights First baby to be born in the year 1984, in Essex (9lb 11oz) Occupation A wandering minstrel: was a medieval European bard who performed songs whose lyrics told stories about distant places or about real or imaginary historical events. Frequently they were retained by royalty and high society. Minstrels were eventually replaced at court by the troubadours, and many became wandering minstrels, performing in the streets and became well liked until the middle of the Renaissance. Despite a decline beginning in the late 15th century. Minstrels fed into later traditions of traveling entertainers, which continued to be moderately strong into the early 20th century, and which has some continuity down to today’s buskers or street musicians. Read more on Last.fm. User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.