Dragan Espenschied Artist, Designer, Programmer, Musician, Lecturer Born 1975 in Munich, today living in Stuttgart. 1995 founded the home computer band Bodenständig 2000, together with Bernhard Kirsch. Records released and houses roX0red in the whole world!! Details on the Bodenstandig 2000 homepage. Studied communication design at Merz Akademie Stuttgart, with Prof. Michael Dreyer and Prof. Olia Lialina. Finshing studies in January 2001 with insert_coin, together with Alvar Freude. 1998 to 2000: Working at the Fraunhofer Institute Stuttgart at the Virtual Reality Center. 2001: In the last squizzles of the first dot.com bubble working for the hype agency AGI. Since winter semester 2000: teacher at Merz Akademie in the New Media pathway. Teaching about art and design online, digital culture and folklore, programming. 2004-2006: Teaching a course on interactive 3D graphics at FHNW in Switzerland, departments Industrial Design and Media Art (at that time still called FH Aargau). Read more on Last.fm. User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.