Young Maverick In early 2009, childhood friends Robbie Williams and Steve Sheldon were making grand plans to combine creative talents. Steve, a budding filmmaker, had the idea to shoot a couple of music videos for his uni degree and Robbie, who had been writing songs for years with his brother Dave under the moniker of "Off The Chain", was just as happy to front the band and knock it up a notch. BAM! Dave would have to digress from his hip-hop roots, but his additional love of pop rock and skills as a bass player made it a perfect fit. With the family affair that it was, Steve's little brother Matt was keen to metaphorically push his year 12 books aside, and whip out his axe for the cause. Matt, being a team player, coaxed serial jammer and friend Will McLennan to pick up his sticks, dust off the tom-toms and meet the crew. Upon the first sesh in Will's parents’ living room, the band's chemistry was evident, and after a drunken night at a Melbourne bar, Young Maverick was born. Read more on User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.