Word For Word

Hardcore band from Manchester, NH. Started in June 2006. Johnnie on vox, Mike on drums, Nate Dogg on guitar, and Brandon on bass. For fans of Warzone, Agnostic Front, the Bruisers and Terror. Word For Word are working class skinheads. They have an 8 song demo out along with a self titled CD on Frequency Deleted Records of their demo and a live set recorded at 88.9 WERS' Radiobeat that came out in 07.Then in March 08 they dropped their debut full length CD "Keepsake", which is available on CD from Frequency Deleted Records. six months later in November 08, Welfare Records released "Keepsake" on vinyl with 3 brand new songs. Then in may 09 there split 7' inch record with Doggfight U.S. came out. First press was 420 blue, 100 black. There was a record release version out of 30 and a pre-order press out 20. and then there was a limited cover made by Doggfight U.S out of 10 too. All three were covers used blue vinyl so from the blue vinyl so technically there was only 360 blue with regular covers. first press sold out in just under 2 months. So 108 more records were pressed on clear red vinyl, 6 are considered oxblod because of mixing the dirty plates, and 102 are red. Half of this press is speckled with black.. Word For Word has 2 new releases coming up. a brand new 7' called "Courage Over Fear" coming out on Germany's own LionHeart Records, coming in January 2010, and their sophomore full length CD "Manchester Forever" That has the brand new "Courage Over Fear" ep, once vinyl only songs, unreleased material and some classic covers. "Manchester Forever" is coming out on Manchester's very own Arrest Records and is sheduled to be released November 28th, You can pre-order your copy of "Manchester Forever" at ARRESTRECORDS.BIGCARTEL.COM. For more Word For Word news and updates you should go to MYSPACE.COM/WORDFORWORDNH and for official merchandise go to WORDFORWORD.BIGCARTEL.COM www.myspace.com/wordforwordnh Read more on Last.fm. User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.