Wolf Alice > Blush EP Blush
Curse the things that made me sad for so long
Yeah it hurts to think that they could still go on
I'm happy now
Are you happy now?
Spoke out the things that you've worked out to be wrong
You got two hands to take all you can,
but don't take too long
To be happy somehow
Are you happy now?
Figured out I'm good
Don't turn me down like I knew I should
Punch drunk, dumb struck, pot luck happy happy
Don't chicken out, it's all good
You're allowed to be what you could
Punch drunk, dumb struck, pot luck happy, happy
Punch drunk, dumb struck, pot luck happy, happy
Punch drunk, dumb struck, pot luck happy, happy
Figured out I'm good
Turn me down like I knew I should
Happy now
Don't chicken out, it's all good
You're allowed to be what you could
Happy Now
Happy Now
Happy Now
Happy Now
Curse the things that made me sad for so long
Yeah, it hurts to think that they could still go on
I'm happy now
Are you happy now?
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