The Hot Lies > Heart Attacks and Callous Acts
Taking Chances
Taking Chances
footprints all through this place
painted myself in
i just cant walk away
even though you cant name names
youve seen this face before
i cant leave until you lying on the floor
so camly drop the knife
dont ever stop
dont go back now
thought that wed go down with a fight
ill take my chances tonight
happens all the time
so this is how to start a fire
happens all the time
was there something you missed?
this scene is a mess
and your part of this
round here everyone knows your face
theres eyes in the lamplight
and you ciggarette smoke
is spelling out your name
so camly drop the knife
bruised lips
n broken eyes
dont ever stop dont look back now
will you comfort my fears ?
forget we were here
strip our names from enigma walls
im scared
take this knife to out smiles
make everything right
always thought that wed go down with a fight
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