The Fiery Furnaces > Widow City
Duplexes Of The Dead
I went on down to the duplexes of the dead
Where the shades are drawn and the shadow’s shut
Unless you know the magic word, seldom said but often heard
Bite your lip then spin around three times
On our honeymoon, my husband sat still
With a look in his eyes and a pen in his left hand
He wrote on the varnish the magic word, seldom seen and never heard
He shushed me, then slumped backwards dead asleep
I went grumpy sitting in the sun by the umbrella stand
Making every single unreasonable demand
I covered my head and went to the office pool, I dipped in reverent a re-soled mule
And asked the chlorine fumes if there was something they wanted to bring up
Live Radio
Old School RapA Better Old School Classic Rap Radio Station. We dig DEEP in the crates to deliver a REAL Old School Rap Station. No Autotune allowed. Just Dope Beats, Rhyme and Flava.
Blues Vintage (Classic Blues)A Better Classic Blues Vintage Radio Station plays all of the classic Blues gems that you will not find anywhere else on the net. Featuring all of your favorite artists and sound recordings from the Delta to New Orleans.
Classic CountryA Better Classic Country Legends Radio Station plays the kings and queens of country music and the songs that swept America. A great station to bring back the magical memories of Nashville.
Awesome 80sA Better 80s Radio Station plays your all time favorite Pop, New Wave and Rock Songs.
Hairband RockA Better Hairband Rock Radio Station playing your favorite Glam Rock Anthems from the 80s.