Tamela Mann > Best Days
Here I Am
[Verse 1: David]
Here I am, a vessel unworthy of you
Here I am, my soul's crying out to you
Here I am, yielding my soul to you
Here I am, knowing you'll see me through
And I give my heart to you
Giving myself to you (knowing you'll see me through)
Knowing you'll see me through (and I give my heart to you)
Completely yours, here I am
[Verse 2: Tamela]
Wanting more of you
Here I am, a vessel unworthy of you
Here I am, my souls reaching out for you
Here I am, my hearts longing for you
And I'm giving,
Giving myself you you (knowing you'll see me through)
Knowing you'll see me through (I am giving)
Giving myself to you (everything that I am)
Knowing you'll see me through (completely yours)
Completely yours, I give you everything (everything)
My heart I bring ([[choir:]] my heart I bring)
This song I sing ([[choir:]] song I sing)
[[Tamela:]] Completely yours, I am desperately
([choir:] desperately)
[David:] Give all to the ([choir:] give all to the)
[Tamela:] I give you my destiny ([choir:] destiny)
[Tamela:] And I yielding my everything ([choir:] everything)
[David:] My heart I bring ([choir:] heart I bring)
[Tamela:] this song I sing ([choir:] song I sing)
[Tamela:] Completely yours
[Tamela:] I desperately ([choir:] desperately)
[Tamela:] Give all to the ([choir:] all to the)
[Tamela:] Your my destiny Lord ([choir:] destiny)
[Tamela:] I'm completely yielding all to the, I am,
Giving myself to you ( knowing you'll see me through)
Knowing you'll see me through (giving myself to you)
Giving myself to you (giving my everything Lord)
Knowing you'll see me through
(Both: knowing that you'll be there)
Completely yours ([Tamela:] I'm completely yours)
I give you everything
[David:] everything([choir:] everything)
[David:] my heart I bring ([choir:] heart I bring)
[David:] song I sing ([choir:] song I sing)
[Tamela:] completely yours
desperately ([David:] giving all to the)
give all to the ([Tamela:] I give it to the)
Destiny ([Tamela:] your my destiny Lord)
My heart I bring
This song I sing ([Tamela:] here I am Lord)
Desperately ([Tamela:] desperately)
Give all to the ([Tamela:] give all to the)
Destiny ([Tamela:] ooooohhhhh)
Everything ( [Tamela:] my everything)
My heart I bring ([Tamela:] my heart I bring)
Song I sing ([Tamela:] I'm desperately yielding Lord)
Destiny ([Tamela:] destiny)
Give all to the ([Tamela:] your my, everything Lord)
Everything ([Tamela:] I completely give it to the)
My heart I bring ( [Tamela:] all that I am)
Song I sing ([Tamela:] here I am my hands raised)
Desperately([Tamela:] I'm desperately)
All to the ([Tamela:] I'm reaching to the)
Destiny ([Tamela:] completely yours, oh oh oooohhh)
Giving my self to you ([Tamela:] all that I am)
Knowing you'll see me through ([Tamela:] and I ever hope to be)
Giving myself to you ([Tamela:] is a vessel yielding)
Knowing you'll see me through ([Tamela:] yielding after the)
Completely yours ([Tamela:] here I am)
[Tamela:] here I am, I'm presenting my body a living sacrifice
Here I am ([Tamela:] holy and acceptable to the)
[Tamela:] here I am