Suie Paparude

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Șuie Paparude meaning: Mihai Câmpineanu (Michi) Mihai Dobre (Haute Culture) Alexe Marius Andrei (Bean) Discography: 1995 Șuie Paparude 1997 Salvează-te 1998 Musca 2000 Urban 2003 Atac la Persoane 2005 Scandalos 2008 A fost odată 2010 E suflet în aparat Newborn autumn of ’93, Suie Paparude was originally a five-piece alternative rock band that split one year later. The remains were the two Ms: Mihai Campineanu and Mihai Dobre – the band’s everlasting core. The two performed an innovative industrial electronic style as Suie Paparude, being joined between 2002 and 2008 by a third member – Junkyard. Genuine proof of them being “the most successful EE band of the genre” cleverly combining break-beat or electro with uniquely melodic vocals, are their popular tracks, that musically speak for themselves: Ajutor (Help) – included as soundtrack on the Hollywood Box-Office Hit Inhabited Pentru inimi (For the souls) Armada Verbala (The Verbal Armada) A fost odata (Once upon a time) – over 200.000 hits on Youtube in less than 6 months Cu zambetul pe buze (A smile on the lips) Suie Paparude’s list of opening acts is both long and prestigious: Propellerheads, Moby, Ganja Kru the legendary Depeche Mode (2006), Exploited, Adam Freeland, Goldfrap, Stereo MC'S and N.O.H.A. The band’s activity up to 2008 lists: 6 national tours in Romania and outstanding performances in Bruxelles, Gent in 2001, Berlin, Hamburg and Rotterdam in 2007, Spring Eight festival in Graaz - spring of 2008. As for 2008, it has definitely been the band’s most successful and busy year to date, performing over 120 concerts. February 2009 brought a new member for the legendary duo, Marius Alexe aka Bean. Discography: 1995 LP Suie Paparude 1997 LP Salveaza-te (Save yourself) 1998 EP Musca (The fly) 2000 LP Urban 2003 LP Atac la personae (Slanders) 2004 LP Scandalos (Scandalous) 2008 LP A fost odata (Once upon a time) Read more on User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.