Purson > The Circle and the Blue Door Leaning on a Bear


Leaning on a Bear


All the swings and roundabouts
Have gone to join the fair
And they went there leaning on a bear

Look in all the magazines see
Their names are printed there
And the news is flying round the square

Champion tightrope walker cry the crowd
They don't see this game is just a shroud

In the land of hopes and dreams
Children swarm like flies
All around the fountain of soft lies

Messages to kill or be killed
Tattooed on the back of their eyelids
In their sleep attack

Creeps back to his cave to watch the fight
They will take the bait like fish tonight

See the circus ringleader
He's counting in his den
See him snacking on the souls of men

Creeps back to his cave to watch the fight
They will take the bait like fish tonight