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There are various bands called "Perdition" * 1) Bearded melodic hardcore from Fort Worth, Texas. Perdition crafts modern, melodic punk that's poppy without being obnoxious and aggressive without being abrasive. Basically, farts on a snare drum. Bears. Beer. Whiskey. Hot Dogs. VHS movies. Space travel. * 2) Black Metal from Chile. They have released a EP in 2005 entitled Piaculum and a split EP with Svartidauði in 2012. Features Maguistellus666 (Exterminate) and Hateaxes Command (Atomic Aggressor,Magnanimus, ex-Totten Korps). * 3) Raw hardcore punk band from NYC. Raging, pissed off, spiky. Off the hook * 4) Black metal Perdition from California. This Perdition played NSBM and later Dark Ambient and shared members with other NSBM projects, Quisling, Bergen Belsen S.S., and Muslimcorpse. They split-up in 2007 but have now returned in 2009 - playing ambient. This Perdition belongs to The Anti-Wulfhere Front. * 5) Perdition formed sometime in 1983 in Adelaide, South Australia. The original line-up started with Mark Hayes on vocals, Robert Pillar on guitar, Tony Loader on bass and George Klestinis on drums. After the release of thier A Positive Alternative to Torture tape, Klenstinis left the band to make way for drummer Dave Williams of Debortion. After a trip to Melbourne and a radio interview on 3PBS, the band managed to impress quite a number of people, thus landing them a spot on the Dead Kennedys show in September of '83 in Adelaide. In August of 1984, Perdition released The Intoxicated EP on Phil Macdougall's Reactor Records label. 500 copies were pressed of the five track 7". Later in Decemeber of '85, Macdougall would re-release the record as a five track 12" to improve the mix. While the band enjoyed popularity and tours in the east of Australia, they struggled to play in thier own city of Adelaide. In June of 1985, the How to Teach Your Budgie to Talk 12 track 12" was released, again on Reactor Records. 1000 copies of the record were pressed, unfortunately, it was one of the label's poorest selling records, as the band had moved in a less "hardcore" direction. 1985 also saw the release of a split LP with Melbourne band Vicious Circle on Flipside records from America. Although they headed in a much poppier direction towards the end, Perdition were at the forefront of the Australian Punk/Hardcore scene along with the likes of Depression, Civil Dissident and Vicious Circle. * 6) Black Metal band from Poland formed in 2004. Released a split and an EP. In 2007 the band changed name to Blaze Of Perdition. * 7) Chris Evans and Kevin Cho from Pennsylvania * 8) Deathcore band from kenzas United States Read more on User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.