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Myq Kaplan is a come­dian named Myq Kaplan (pro­nounced “Mike Kaplan”). The Come­di­ans mag­a­zine calls him “a com­edy machine, in the best pos­si­ble way. The way that some machines vend soda or pre­vent other machines from killing future rev­o­lu­tion­ar­ies – that’s how Myq Kaplan does com­edy: relent­lessly, method­i­cally, unblinkingly.” Myq made his net­work tele­vi­sion debut on “The Tonight Show” and has since gone on to appear on “The Late, Late Show with Craig Fer­gu­son,” "Conan," and in his own half-hour “Com­edy Cen­tral Presents: Myq Kaplan” spe­cial. Most recently, he was a Top 5 final­ist on the most recent sea­son of Last Comic Stand­ing. He has also appeared on Com­edy Central’s “Live at Gotham,” at the New Faces show of the 2009 Just For Laughs Fes­ti­val in Mon­treal, was voted 2008’s Best Local Come­dian in the Boston Phoenix, and won the 2009 NY’s Fun­ni­est Standup Competition. Read more on User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.