Johnny Thunders > L.A.M.F. - the lost '77 mixes Pirate Love
Pirate Love
You've got to walk that walk
You've got to talk that talk
You've got to be that girl
In the diamond world
C'mon cut me so fast
Pirate love
Is what I'm looking for
Pirate love
Is what I'm wanting for
I never ever
needed it so bad
Well the blood's running cold, ain't it
All the mommies are praying
Little girls are saying 'no'
And big girls always want more
Pirate love
Is what I'm looking for
Pirate love
Is what I'm wanting for
I never ever
needed it so bad
Well I'm locked in all these getups
Everybody seems too cruel
I can't tell who's who
Without a bag of voodoo
Pirate love
Is what I'm looking for
Pirate love
Is what I'm wanting for
I never ever
needed it so fast
Pirate love
Is what I'm looking for
Pirate love
Is what I'm wanting for
I never ever
needed it so bad
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