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From My name is Alexander Liss. On the internet I am known as housethegrate (all lower-case, no spaces). I was born in 1985, right here in Portland, Oregon, where I have resided for my entire life. I never really even liked music until I was about 12 years old. I was very turned off by the music my older brother listened to and watched on MTV. I distinctly remember actually asking him why he liked music. But I credit my brother for getting me interested in music when I was finally ready. I overheard him listening to early Misfits, and it hit me instantly. That single event changed my entire life. Shortly thereafter, he taught me how to play some things on the guitar, and I've been doing it ever since. I took lessons for a few years in junior high school. They were mostly based on theory, and it was primarily classical guitar playing. I learned almost all of my technique without the help of a teacher, but I learned a lot from instructional videos by some of the masters. Marty Friedman's Exotic Metal was one of the most helpful videos for my improvement as a musician. I took jazz lessons more recently when I was planning to go to Berklee. That was incredibly helpful in terms of theory. I believe that all musicians should strive for diversity. It's important to become familiar with a variety of musical styles. I frequently set goals for myself to do a song in a certain style that I've never done. One of my heroes (musical and personal) is Frank Zappa, because the man could do any style of music, but you can always hear his unique flavor. I'm currently working on finishing an album of arrangements, as well as various other recording projects. Quick facts about me: Favorites albums: Misfits - Static Age Frank Zappa - Joe's Garage Fates Warning - Awaken the Guardian This Lizzy - Jailbreak Favorite classical works: Mozart - Die Zauberflöte Mozart - "Gran Partita" Bach - First keyboard concerto in D minor Handel - Organ Concerti Beethoven - Piano Concerto #3 in C minor Brahms - Violin Concerto in D minor I'm a huge classical music fan. I like the music from almost all eras of classical music, but I hate atonal, 12-tone, and most 20th century “classical.” I love baroque and classical opera, but I hate romantic opera. I'm a Swedish citizen by birthright. My favorite beer is Arrogant Bastard Ale. One of my goals is to build and live in Castlevania. I always wear my socks inside-out. I'm a vegetarian. Again. My favorite movie is Caddyshack. I've probably watched it over 500 times. I have so many black friends. I wear my sunglasses at night. So I can, so I can. The first album I ever bought was The Misfits, Static Age. Read more on User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.