Head Fuck Terrorist

Plamen Kazakov (a.k.a. Head Fuck Terrorist) was born in 1984, in Ihtiman (Bulgaria). During early age he pays attention to various electronic genders. His artist career begins with learning to mixing music and making djsets in 2008 under name Schranz Bootleg. In 2009 he changed his artist name to Head Fuck Terrorist. First producing attempts Head Fuck Terrorist makes in hard techno music in 2009. In 2010 was published his first released track featured work with Yves Kavella under project's name Skull Distortion. He makes productions in other genders - speed core, industrial, experimental, techno. In the beginig of 2011 Head Fuck Terrorist creates the label United Sadistic Sound Records. Head Fuck Terrorist performs in diferent events - gigs and radio shows. Read more on Last.fm. User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.