Foetus > Nail The Throne Of Agony


The Throne Of Agony


Hello, operator... give me NO-MAN'S LAND
Collect call to no one at all
Been yelling into an empty closet to the point of no return (and no deposit)
Fiddlin and watchin while ROME BOINS
A roll of the dice: the WOIM TOINS

Hello, central... give me NO-MAN'S LAND
From a walking waste disposal unit
A transfusion from me'd kill the faint of heart

Alas POOR YORICK... I knew me well but I bin killin ma brain CELL BY CELL
It only takes a bullet to make the WOIM TOIN--an this one's for you...

The toll is belling... the signs is telling
Nose is running... feet are smellin (Foetus Melon)
Currently less than a human wreck
Gimme a BREAK... start at the NECK

I rule my body from the throne of agony
My conscience and constitution's naggin me
Clock up another TRACHEOTOMY
STAB another dagger inna back o' me
The dark gods boint ma evil SOUL
Ma brittle spirit's toint to COAL
I rule my body from the throne of agony

Chalk up another frozen pizza... choke up another thousand marlboros
Anything goes for them ordinary joes
They'll cut off your face to spite your nose
I don't need to touch their toes to know I've already reached my ALL TIME LOW
Pacin' ruts inna carpet
Eatin' up the wallpaper, crawlin' the walls, sick on the ceiling
Shut the shutters... I shoulda stayed in bed

Complainin bout ma campaign against personal decency
I got no excuses
Just rules wrapped in barbed wire, laced with busted glass
(Yeah, I'm the one who gave the sandwich to Mama Cass)

Stoke up and poke up my funeral pyre
And watch my life flicker before your very eyes
With no commercial breaks... NO BRAKES
NO BRAKES... (kill me baby)

Pour another glass of liquid clear
Drinkin hard to not remember what I'd just as soon forget
String around the finger... ROPE around the NECK
You always HATE the one you LOVE
Time dies when you're having fun
I'm gonna change ma name... I'm changin' trains... (kill me baby)