Elliott > U.S. Songs
Sin cells sold attractive tinsel soft injections
bright feels like a miracle feels like the sound
youre talkings right feel like the sound youre
making loosens the ties on the comfort files
feels like a miracle feels like a cant sell sign
suit sells the line no matter the clothes
you wear suit sells the line to comfort
the scars you bare since your design ive
answered my only chance suit sells the line
no matter the clothes you wear since
I learned the miracle since
I earned the cardinals right feel
your words a miracle feel like the sound
youre talkings right feel like the sound
youre making loosens the ties on the comfort
files feels like a miracle feels like a cant sell
sign since your lines comfort me ill sit here as
a spiritual since your lines comfort me ill sit here
while the sinner comes since your lines comfort me
ill sit here as the centerfold since your line comfort
me ill sit here like a miracle feels like the sound
youre making feels like the sound made something
right feels like a miracle feels like a cant sell sign