Dry Kill Logic > The Dead And Dreaming Neither Here Nor Missed
If I had been the one like this
And now you were neither here nor missed
it's the same thing it's that same hurt every day
And without it, there's no stress I need to face
When you lie
And you fucking seal and fucking cheat and lie
No it's NOT the same and don't you ever try
Don't know WHAT its like to fucking BE alive
All the time...
The times have not been kind I see
And so you will take it out on me
Never ending is the way it starts to seem
And your actions are what's killing all my dreams
When you lie
And you fucking seal and fucking cheat and lie
No it's NOT the same and don't you ever try
Don't know WHAT its like to fucking BE alive
All the time...
It's a chance I must take
And it's my mistake to make
Through what's real and what is fake
I now see the rules I have to break
If I had been the one like this
and now you were neither her nor missed
It's the same thing
It's that same hurt every day
And without it, there's no stress I know I'll face
when you lie It's a chance I must take
and it's my mistake to make
Though what's real and what is fake
I now see the rules I have to break
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