Concrete Sox > Your Turn Next
Sustain the Orgy
(Maybe this has been said before
But we're gonna say it just once more
Their silence is the root of decay
And we're made to suffer, made to pay
We need a lot more rights
For those who just can't fight
The oblitieration of profit
Now . . .)
Over the rainbow, out of the pit
Sustain the orgy, don't ever quit
Believe in yourself, in what you see wrong
Apathetic morons somehow don't belong
Progress and fight, don't regress out of sight
This is our plight, what the fuck is yours?
Deteriorate away, and what do you achieve?
A state of self-delusion, the final sleep
Maybe you don't care
Maybe you're unaware
Maybe you don't use your head
And it shows 'cos you're so apathetic
Why that impassive, why that unaware?
I ask myself that, 'cos I really care
Your life is planned, your life is guided
Your thougths, they've always been provided
I'd like to see you involved
You want me dissolved