Billy Idol > Charmed Life Cradle of Love
Well rock the cradle of love
Rock the cradle of love
Yes the cradle of love don't rock easily it's true
Well rock the cradle of love
I rocked the cradle of love
Yes the cradle of love don't rock easily it's true
Well now
It burned like a ball of fire
When the rebel took a little child bride
To tease yeah so go easy yeah
Cause love cuts a million ways
Shakes the devil when he misbehaves
I aint nobody's fool
Come on shake it up
Whatever I do
Rock the cradle of love
Rock the cradle of love
Yes the cradle of love don't rock easily it's true
Sent from Heaven above that's right
To rob the cradle of love
Yes the pages of love don't talk decently it's true
Yeah flesh for your romeo
Ah yeah baby
I hear you moan
It's easy y' know how to please me yeah
This love starts my rollin train
You can't stop it
It aint in vain
I aint nobody's fool
Come on shake it up
Whatever you do
These are the wages of love
Rock the cradle of love
These are the wages of love
Ooh yeah
Rock the cradle
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Well it burned like a ball on fire
When the rebel took a little child bride
To tease yeah I know how to please you yeah
Well my love starts a rollin train
You can't stop it
It aint in vain
I aint nobody's fool
Come on shake it up
Whatever I do
Rock the cradle of love
Rock the cradle of love
Sent from Heaven above
That's right
To rock the cradle of love
Rock the cradle of love
Yeah cradle of love
That's me mama
I robbed the devil of love
All right
Cradle of love
If you teaze me tonight
If you sleaze me all right
If you appeaze me tonight
And let me ease you
Cradle of love
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