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Arkimedes is the pseudonym fro JTWidman. The bio he wrote for his website: - My name is Jaron, which is Hebrew (although I am not Jewish) for "he who sings" or "he who cries out." Funny coincidence, I suppose. Online I also go by the pseudonym, "Arkimedes," a reference to the math geek I was in middle and high school. I spelled it with a 'k' because, y'know, spelling things with a 'k' is way kooler than spelling things with a 'c.' - I was born in Fairbanks, Alaska. At the ripe old age of 23, I have called seven states home. I spent five years in Idaho (in both Moscow and Boise), two years in Las Vegas, Nevada, five years in Phoenix, Arizona, a couple years in the small town of Freeport, Illinois, an infancy plus various summers and winters back up in Alaska, two years going to school in Seattle, Washington and three years in Los Angeles, California. I currently reside in LA. - I graduated in '06 from USC's Cinema-Television Production program. This meant that for a couple of years I devoted all of my time to the production of student films. It was tiring and hellish, yet rewarding. My focus now is on post-production, editing and graphics, although I very much want to write for the screen. I just need to commit myself to an idea. - I currently work as a Post-Production Supervisor/Editor/Graphic Designer for two small post houses, Idea Asylum and Phase Three. We work mainly on promotional work for television and extra DVD content, but we have a couple of large regular jobs, like working on the cold opens/desk pieces for Real Time w/ Bill Maher. - I currently live in Los Feliz. - I have three younger brothers, two of which are going to school in Alaska and one of which was in Iraq for a year and now lives in Colorado. - I think I think too hard sometimes. Life should be far simpler than how I usually make it out to be. - I want to do something great with my life. I'm still trying to figure out what that even means. - I am a gamer. This includes both electronic and tabletop gaming. - I can speak a little German and a little Japanese. - I am a cat person. - I love reading Science Fiction and Fantasy. My favorite books are the Song of Ice and Fire series, the Wheel of Time series, Ender's Game, and Battlefield Earth. Catch-22 doesn't fit into either category but it's hilarious so I love it. L. Ron Hubbard wrote Battlefield Earth. He's a damn good writer. I am not a Scientologist. - I love to go dancing. - I am also into martial arts, although I am looking for a new club to join. - Pirates are better than ninjas, but only if they are space pirates. - That is all for now. Read more on User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.