Abdelbasset Mohamed Abdessamad > The Complete Holy Quran
Surah Al Baqara
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Sura At-Takwir, The overthrowing, Sourate at-takwir, Le décrochement, Le redéploiementCoran, The Holy Quran Vol 27 of 27
Sura Al-Ghashiya, The overwhelming, The pall, Sourate al-ghashiya, Celle qui enveloppe, L'occultanteCoran, The Holy Quran Vol 27 of 27
Sura Abasa He Frowned, Sourate 'abasa, Il s'est renfrogné, L'Air sévèreCoran, The Holy Quran Vol 27 of 27
Sura Al-Bayyina, The clear proof, evidence, Sourate al-bayina, La preuve décisive, Le signe évidentCoran, The Holy Quran Vol 27 of 27
Surah Al BaqaraThe Complete Holy Quran